Friday, July 27, 2007


So there I am. And the one person I really want to talk to most is Rick. But this is a break-up where I haven't checked my self esteem at the door. I've been set down on my feet this time.

In the next few days I realize that this, if you believe in karma, is my payback. A few months ago I squashed someone's telling me and now I've been squashed. I call Rick to apologize and my calls go unreturned.

I lean on my friends and try to stay busy. Waste countless hours on the internet. I'm not sure what I'm more sorry about; what I had done or what had happened to me. But I realize that in the end I am okay.

Excessive iron in your diet can cause a medical condition call hemochromatosis. Excessive irony in your life is just a pain in the ass.


Anonymous said...

Give it time. Things don't have to always happen right away. It might take a while for Rick to call you back. But remember, he may not be in the 'same place' as you currently. But I'll bet he'll come around soon.



Anonymous said...

I love the blog. Your writing is very engaging. Sorry the story sucks for you though :(

I'm more of a "Rick" type in real life, except I never had the balls to approach my "Jen" and try to be something more than friends.

I'm sure hoping that this story has a happy ending, or I'll be seriously depressed!!

wentaway from that other place

Anonymous said...

God is an iron. ;)